I partner with people like you who feel ‘stuck’ in life, guiding you to remove the barriers and providing you with the tools to move forward.

What keeps you up at night?

We all have our own individual struggles that may prevent us from being the person we want to be, or having the life we yearn for.

Imagine… what would be possible in your life, once you released old limiting beliefs, stuck emotions, and life patterns and habits that no longer serve you?

Change IS Possible!



What if I told you there was a better way? Imagine being able to…

  • Heal your core wounds from childhood

  • Overcome your fears and pursue your dreams with confidence?

  • Put your anxiety and sadness behind you, and live a life you love?

How can I best serve you?

Emotional Healing

It IS possible to heal those emotional blocks, core wounds and traumas from childhood, as well as current stresses, anxieties, and feelings of disconnection. You deserve a life filled with joy, self love, and endless possibilities!

Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth Support

Discover the guidance and empowerment you need to conceive and maintain your pregnancy effortlessly.

Let go of your fears and embrace the serene, relaxed, and joyful pregnancy and childbirth experience you've always dreamed of.

Sexual Freedom Hypnosis

If you struggle with intimacy issues or sexual dysfunction, you are not alone. Are you ready to create a huge breakthrough in your ability to have a joyful, satisfying sex life?

“I reached out to Laura for support and for help after my miscarriage. I wanted to be more accepting, grateful of my current life and be hopeful for the future. Laura helped me with all this aspects wonderfully. Her sessions were customized to the specific problem in hand and there were metrics in place at before session 1 and after my final session which demonstrated progress. I am extremely grateful for her guidance and kindness during this challenging time. I always felt energized and at a much better mental space after her sessions. Highly recommend Laura and her services.”

— Meghna, British Columbia, Canada

We’re NOT the right fit to work together if…

✖️You are attached to your story and  want to remain in ‘victim’ mode.

✖️You are not ready to take 100% responsibility for your life.

✖️You would prefer to take a passive role in your healing, or you believe that you’re ‘broken’ and that someone or something else can ‘fix’ you.

 We’re a PERFECT fit to work together if…

✅ You’re committed to taking an active role of your own healing.

✅ You’re highly motivated to make changes in your life, and are willing to invest time, money and energy in yourself do to it.

✅ You’re open to the possibility of releasing your past, in order to make way for a brighter present and future.

 Ready to Live Your Best Life Now?

There’s no time like the present!