Hello again! I’m Laura.

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist and bodyworker for intelligent, sensitive people like you, who are tired of having your fears and emotional pain hold you back. I guide you to release emotional blocks and reconnect with your inner wisdom, allowing you to quickly and easily manifest a more joyful and empowered life.

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I create a safe space of unconditional love, where transformation and growth naturally occurs.

As an intuitive empath, I understand and feel your pain. Yet I am able to see beyond it, and gently guide you through to the light on the other side.

As a natural introvert, I am a powerful listener. You will feel heard and ‘gotten’ when you work with me.

I’ve been absorbing the teachings of enlightened spiritual teachers since my teen years. I’ve also had the privilege of studying with several in person. This universal wisdom, along with my trauma informed education, guides all my work.

I believe that my main purpose here on Earth is to raise the vibration of love on the planet - in particular, encouraging your own self love, such that you are able to step into your greatness!

Hypnosis is an amazingly effective tool that enables me to best serve humanity, one person at a time. I work with people from all over the world, guiding clients to expand their self love, and to release fears and stuck emotions. This leaves them free to manifest their greatest good, and do it rapidly!

Want to learn more? Our work together can start today!

For close to thirty years, I’ve been a conduit of healing for clients.

Back in my university days, as a student of psychology at Georgetown University, I knew my vocation in life was to somehow serve humanity in the healing arts, probably as a psychotherapist. But at that young age, I didn’t feel like I had the wisdom under my belt that life experience brings, to enable me to be the kind of therapist I’d want to be. 

During this time, I discovered hypnotherapy, and I used it successfully to quit smoking. It seemed like a miracle therapy, and I told myself that I wanted to learn how to do that ‘someday’! 

Meanwhile, I had my first professional massage when I was researching graduate programs in psychology. I was profoundly struck by the power of the mind/body connection of this healing modality during that session, and I remember feeling euphoria welling up inside of me that seemed to spring from the therapeutic touch I was receiving. This led me to change course and become a clinical massage therapist, something I truly enjoyed doing for over two decades, and still practice today.

Long story short, my ‘someday’ came In 2019 when I felt called to expand my horizons and fulfill my dream of becoming a hypnotherapist.  Through the years, I’d loved and lost, experienced the death of those close to me, lived abroad as an ex-pat for over a decade, and had married and divorced. I’d weathered many ups and downs on my journey. I’d worked with thousands of clients through my professional practice, and I felt ready to provide, and be a catalyst for, a deeper level of comprehensive healing for people.

I was especially drawn to the ease and speed at which hypnosis can transform, heal and eliminate even deeply held traumas, engrained behaviors and limiting beliefs.  In March 2020, I completed an in-person, intensive 300+ hour course at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Albuquerque, NM. This level of professional training and education ranks me among the top 5% of hypnosis practitioners in the U.S. Soon after this, I pursued more specialized training and I’m now certified in Sexual Freedom Hypnosis®. I’m also a Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator, as well as a Certified 3Keys® HypnoFertilitist. I continue to study and expand my knowledge base so that I can better serve my clients.

I’ve successfully assisted people like you to resolve a plethora of issues that were holding them back from living a life they wanted and deserved.

I believe there are no accidents in this world. If you’ve read this far, there is probably a reason you were drawn to my site.

How can I serve you?

I got to know Laura as a warm, emphatic person with whose help I was able to take an important step. During our work together, it became clear how thoroughly she had immersed herself in me and how involved she was. In her own original gentle way she guided me through the hypnosis, which turned into a true experience in which I could leave things behind and move forward. I can wholeheartedly recommend Laura as a person as well as a great therapist to anyone who is ready to make positive change in her or his life.
— Ellen von D.,, Arhnem, Netherlands

 Ready to Live Your Best Life Now?

There’s no time like the present!