Through the power of hypnotherapy, I assist you in healing your emotional pain and trauma, so you can experience joy and inner peace today.

Trauma is not the bad things that happen to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.

— Gabor Maté, The Wisdom of Trauma

 Emotional blocks, and the pain they may cause, take many forms:

  • Do you struggle with feelings of self doubt, low self esteem, or fear of abandonment?

  • Do you seem to find yourself in relationships with people who don’t treat you well, or are abusive, narcissistic, or emotionally unavailable?

  • Do you struggle with setting boundaries, making decisions, and trusting your own intuition?

  • Do you yearn for love and connection, yet can’t seem to attract this into your life?

  • Are you feeling unfulfilled in your life, and don’t quite know why, even though you may be seen as very ‘successful’ by society’s standards?

Symptoms of Emotional Blockages

So often, the issue that we think is the issue, is actually a symptom of a deeper emotional blockage, often stemming from trauma, or as a way to distract ourselves from feeling emotional pain. For instance, some symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • chronic stress/overwhelm

  • feeling anxious

  • panic attacks

  • PTSD symptoms

  • feeling disconnected from your body and emotions

  • prolonged feelings of anger or sadness

  • lack of confidence

  • sexual issues

  • love and sex addiction

  • fertility issues

  • fear of failure

  • fear of success

  • unexplained physical chronic pain

  • insomnia

  • emotional eating

  • compulsive behaviors that don’t serve you, like smoking, nail biting, or overeating

  • Addictive behaviors like smoking, drinking, or drugging to numb out

  • self sabotage

  • a myriad of other conditions or states

Many of us didn’t have an ideal childhood or adolescence. Often times, we were raised by parents who themselves had unresolved trauma of their own.

Very often, events from our past have left us with emotional pain - trauma that effects our present day lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. It might be from significant traumatic events, but it may also be from actions or words that were more subtly damaging because of the meaning we attached to them.

In either case, something happened that caused you to disconnect from yourself, or suppress your true self as a protective mechanism, in order to get your needs met.

The good news - trauma is an injury to your psyche that can be healed.

If you had a physical injury, you would seek treatment for it, and eventually it would heal.

Yet, many of us have unresolved emotional trauma that gets in the way of being able to live the life that we desire. Maybe you’ve lost hope that it’s even possible.

Emotional trauma is also an injury that can be healed. If you treat it as this, and do the necessary healing work, you can transform your life!

The Solution

The mind is like a garden. We must first “pull the weeds” - cancel and release those limiting beliefs, stuck emotions, and other negative thoughts and images that are influencing our day to day life, behind the scenes of the subconscious mind.

ONLY THEN can we' “plant the seeds” - create new, empowering and positive feelings, thoughts and emotions that will give us the freedom and motivation to be our true authentic selves, to truly live the lives we were meant to live!

Hypnosis allows for a clear pathway of communication between the conscious and subconscious mind, to better facilitate change. Because the subconscious mind is non reasoning and suggestible (it believes what you tell it, or whatever you imagine), it is so much easier to bring about change and positive results when we can bypass the critical, ‘thinking’ mind, and work directly with the subconscious mind that is actually running the show, behind the scenes.

My Healing Trauma Program

  • Usually consists of 9 sessions over the course of 2-3 months.

  • In person, or Live, online Zoom sessions including the powerful tool of hypnosis, embodied practices, coaching and trauma informed insight.

  • Custom made audios to support you throughout the program and beyond.

  • Many other tools and resources throughout the program.

If you are already in therapy, that’s great! Clients often see me as an adjunct to their traditional talk therapy, and they tell me this program has accelerated their healing process tremendously.  

I was taken on a journey that I never even thought was possible, I have come a very long ways in just six weeks. I look forward to doing more work with Laura in the future. I feel myself not only starting to think more of myself than I ever have before, but deep down, I’m also finding that I’m being more kind to myself, and finding a sense of self love for the very first time.
Because of my past, I was a person dealing with many issues like PTSD and many other mental disabilities that have left me in trouble in some important moments in my life. Laura helped me learn a new, more positive outlook on my situation and experiences I can’t thank her enough!
— Ranae, Washington, USA

You are not alone. You are not broken.

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel!

When you are ready to take the first step…my programs are available online, and world wide, from the comfort of your own home. If you live in the Bellingham, WA area, you can work with me in person!

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

— Anaïs Nin, Talmudic saying