Change Habitual Behaviors For Good!

Ready to Quit Smoking/vaping?

If you truly desire to quit smoking/vaping, my quit smoking program will help you become a non-smoker for life!

My 3 Session Quit Smoking/vaping Program:

  • Three live hypnotherapy sessions (approximately 4-6 hours total time)

  • Two customized audios to support you during the program and beyond

  • Email/text support throughout the program

  • Your investment: $499

Hypnosis has helped thousands to live a smoke free life (including myself), and it can work for you too! 

Just click the button below, and schedule your free consult to start the process.

More than 90% of what we do is by habit….and our habits are a function of our subconscious mind.

As humans, we are creatures of habit. More than 90% of everything we do is by habit. Many of our ‘bad’ habits started at a young age, when we learned certain behaviors that served our needs at the time, or became coping mechanisms. These behaviors were formed to quell feelings of stress or anxiety, or to seemingly promote relaxation.

Over/emotional eating is an example o self-medicating to feel better (have you ever noticed that desserts spelled backwards is STRESSED?!

Other habits, like biting nails, picking at skin, or hair pulling usually develop in childhood, sometimes as a way to regain a sense of control, or for those who felt abused or neglected, as a way to get noticed.

Habits like procrastination, obsessive compulsive behavior, or chronic negative self talk can be emotionally harmful, and damage self-esteem, in an attempt to suppress feelings of fear, guilt, or fear of failure. 

All of these habits become engrained in our subconscious mind, even though they don’t serve us anymore. In fact, some of them are downright harmful!

To give a computer analogy, can you imagine using a computer that is still running on Windows ‘95? Well, many of the subconscious programs that are driving our behaviour were created when we were very young. Hypnotherapy helps us to ‘upgrade our operating system’ - install new programs in the subconscious mind that will actually support our greatest good!

The Good News:

Hypnotherapy is so effective because it works directly with the subconscious mind, reaching the source of the habit to change the behavior. Changing the habit becomes easy when the subconscious and the conscious mind are aligned!

My Hypnotherapy Programs

  • Customized to you and your needs

  • Emotional Eating Programs are usually 12 Sessions over a period of 3-4 months.

  • Programs include live hypnotherapy sessions, customized audios, email/text support throughout, an many additional tools and resources throughout!

Laura is guiding me through weight loss with hypnotherapy. She is kind and knowledgable with a level headed way of conversation. I have made more progress in 3 weeks with Laura than I have in 40 years of trying different strategies. I highly recommend her services.
— Tracy M, Pennsylvania, USA

“Your habits are a function of your subconscious mind.”

— Marshall Sylver